Working with Clients in Arrears or Bankruptcy Can Be Challenging
During 2020, small business owners suffered closures, breach of contracts, and changes to federal and state laws to help tenants or clients hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. If your...
Why Your Lawyer Needs to Be Aggressive in Debt Collection
When you are owed money and your customers have stopped paying, you could be facing financial difficulty of your own. Many consumers do not understand that when they fail to...
The Cost to Hire a Debt Collection Attorney Boston Law firm Does Matter
Law firms charge for services in different ways. You have some that charge hourly, which can far surpass the recoveries. Charging on a contingency basis means that the law firm...
Personal Debt Collection Massachusetts
If your customers are a mosaic of paid in full, paid on time, paid late, 90 days delinquent, and 180 days delinquent due to the coronavirus pandemic, personal debt collection...
Massachusetts Personal Debt Collection Lawyer for Landlords
The Massachusetts Eviction Diversion Pact signed by 53 landlords that own 57,000 rental homes in Massachusetts is a reflection of the latest Massachusetts government RAFT – Residential Assistance for Families...
Small Debt Collection During the Pandemic
If your customers or clients are filing for bankruptcy while new small debt collection cases are prohibited until after the health emergency, our Boston debt collection lawyers can help you....
Collecting Debts Owed to You from the Other States
Although there are collection laws that cover the entire United States, including the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), each state may also...
Debt Collection Matters In Massachusetts
When you are managing a business, you need to know how to collect money for delinquent accounts. You do not have time to do this all by yourself, and you...
Learn About The Collection Process Before You Start
The collection process for any large account can be complicated because businesses need their money, old clients do not want to pay, and something must be done to add cashflow....
The Importance Of Aggressive Services By A Lawyer To Collect On A Client’s Debt
When your business has delinquent accounts that must be collected as soon as possible, you may be at a loss because you do not know how to collect. An aggressive...